Judge OKs exhumation of body of lottery winner

Exhumation approved

Meraj Khan, the sister of Urooj Khan, leaves court today after Judge Susan Coleman gave a quick OK to exhume her brother's body at Rosehill Cemetery on Chicago's North Side.
(Antonio Perez, Chicago Tribune / January 11, 2013)

The Cook County medical examiner’s office tentatively plans to exhume the body of the million-dollar lottery winner who died of cyanide poisoning on Thursday, a spokeswoman says.

Mary Paleologos, the spokeswoman, said an autopsy of Ureej Khan’s remains would follow on Friday.

Paleologos said the details were still being worked and that a formal announcement would be made later today.

Chief Medical Examiner Stephen J. Cina is expected to hold a news conference after the autopsy has been finished, Paleologos said, but the final results of the examination likely won’t be available until all the tests have been completed.

Khan’s death is being investigated as a homicide after comprehensive toxicological tests showed he had lethal levels of cyanide in his blood.

Earlier today, Judge Susan Coleman gave a quick OK to the request by the medical examiner’s office to exhume the body at Rosehill Cemetery on Chicago’s North Side.

Court papers said the body was not embalmed, leading prosecutors to indicate that it was “critical” to arrange for the remains to be exhumed as soon as possible.

In an affidavit, Cina said it was necessary to do a full autopsy to “further confirm the results of the blood analysis as well as to rule out any other natural causes that might have contributed to or caused Mr. Khan’s death.”


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Judge OKs exhumation of body of lottery winner